Research & Development

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Creative & Innovative

We're experts in civil engineering and construction who incorporate chemistry into pavement technology and it is the last part that sets us apart from everyone else.
Toa Road Corporation Technical Research Institute works on the development, evaluation and research of new products and techniques with an eye in meeting and expanding spectrum of applications and needs.

Toa Road's product development focuses on asphalt emulsion, cold mix asphalt, polymer modified asphalt, hot mix asphalt, as well as products related to railways, landscaping and sports facilities. We objectively evaluate both asphalt and mixture products, as well as their performance once they have been applied, to improve our products and standards. Our researchers regularly holds cross-departmental meetings to brainstorm on new researches and developmental projects to share information with materials and manufacturers all with a keen eye to the road ahead.

We explore every avenue to find the best way to apply our products and discover new civil engineering techniques. Developing testing methods and assessment standards is crucial to putting new technologies into practice. That's why we work with academic institutions to develop and apply testing equipment as well as provide customer follow-up support on design and technology in addition to information and training to the industry.

Eighty years of Research and Development has supplied us with a wealth of knowledge that is an invaluable intellectual asset. The industry's leading technology trailblazer, our Technical Research Institute works on the cutting edge of Research and Development, sharing its findings both internally and externally. A number of award-winning papers coming out of the laboratory have been published in scholar journals related to civil engineering and roads. Innovative thinking and years of experience lies at the heart of our technological solutions.
